Iuvaret reprimique

One point twenty-one gigawatts. One point twenty-one gigawatts. Great Scott. They’re late. My experiment worked. They’re all exactly twenty-five minutes slow. I’m, I’m sorry, Mr. McFly, I mean, I was just starting on the second coat. Excuse me. No, fine, no , good, fine, good.

George, aren’t you gonna kiss me? Well uh, good, fine. Maybe you were adopted. Nothing. One point twenty-one gigawatts. One point twenty-one gigawatts. Great Scott.

My god, it’s my mother. Put your pants back on. Hey man, look at Marvin’s hand. He can’t play with his hands like that, and we can’t play without him. whoa, whoa Doc, stuck here, I can’t be stuck here, I got a life in 1985. I got a girl. Hello. Oh, just a little weather experiment.